11 Rules of Working

  1. Answer this question first. What do you want from work? You will get more than nothing and you can't have everything, the rest is up to you.
  2. Stay thankful. You've been given an opportunity.
  3. You are entitled to nothing. This doesn't change.
  4. If you want $20/hr. do $20/hr while making $12.  More pay is a result of showing your value, it doesn't just happen and it's not used as incentive.
  5. Earning your spot at the table takes years. Don't graduate (or not) and show up for a couple years and start chomping at the bit.
  6. Positive attitude always. Venting is poison. It's an excuse we hide behind.
  7. You get nothing if you don't go after it.
  8. Assume responsibility not authority.
  9. You go into every job at the bottom and knowing how to clean. Make sure everything is always clean. When they teach you how to stock, keep everything clean and in stock. When they teach you 'x' add that to the list of 'always'. This is how you get where you want to go.
  10. Work when you work, rest when you rest.
  11. If you can honestly say you didn't cheat your way through that list and still don't enjoy your work, don't burden the people you know by bitching about it.  Find a new situation. If you cheated your way through the above the new situation you find will turn out exactly the same.
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