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Rolie .

If you like something and it speaks to you, then it doesn't matter.

What gives something a "soul", is the owner. And, I think largely an effect of time and presence in our lives. Once you make memories with something, you give it a soul, you develop a relationship. The more memories you make, the stronger your bond to the object becomes.

The maker made it for sure, and has all the influence on its initial character, how it looks, how it sounds, how it feels, all of that done by the maker. However, when you're playing in front of people, are they going to point to the guitar in your hands as the source of why they enjoyed your music? I would venture it would be more along the lines of "That show was awesome, and that steel guitar was so cool!" Most of it comes from you, the player. Are Charlie Parr and Joey Landreth great artist because they play handmade Mules? Nope, they are great artists.

Getting a hand made item, like a Mule, is a special process and should be enjoyed. When you receive a Mule, it already has the beginning of a story for you to share, a relationship with it's maker built in. However, it's merely a prologue, an introduction. Once you get it, you make the stories, you tell the tales.

The tool for your stories, can be a Mule, or a Gibson, or a rusty old acoustic you found in the shed. Mule tells us their story all the time, it's why we are here. What medium you choose to tell your stories with however, that's up to you.

Jeff. E.

Hell yes.

Individual craftsman with passion, dedication, and commitment will always win out over multi layers of manufacturing anyday.

Michael B.

Handmade has passion and distinction that a machine cannot create!

Raph .

Some may argue that machine made is more precise but thats not the point. I want something that has soul & character.
Imperfections are part of that and they tell a story.
For me handmade is the way.

Rickey N.

Have you made any square necks?