Adele and the Mule

This is a video from last night of Tim playing his Mule resonator guitar on stage with Adele. I'm not sure there's much else I can say about that, it was tremendous but I'll try because I want you all to be part of the story too. I saw it on stage during the second song and we desperately tried to find pictures of it -"was it a cutaway? Etc" to confirm it was the Mule before we got excited. Then he picked it up and played it during Rumor Has It. On stage. With Adele. In an arena. I'm sure some front video will show up and I'll post it. Tim is much more than Adele's guitar player, he's the creative director and a damn fine human being. If there was anyone who could have asked for a deal it was him and he didn't. He was so excited during the process. He got us tickets and then came up after the show and told me how much he appreciated the guitar, and we geeked out on guitar stuff for a while. She was awesome, such a voice, and such a giving performer. You leave feeling like you know her, the way she so authentically has a conversation with the audience. You forget there's 30,000 or whatever people there. If you own a Mule or are on the list I want to make sure you know you're more a part of the story than you may feel. The TOP question of any obsessed guitar maker is "how can I get people to buy these so I can keep building them?" Four years ago after a Kelly Joe Phelps show when These guitars existed in "I wonder if I can make one? But not shiny?" there was no ability and no customers. I spent a year trying to figure out the first four, spent all but about $500 I had and went back to work in a factory. For two weeks. Now there's 200 mule owners, 70 more waiting for theirs and this video below. When me and Phil and Smither's and my dad are done with them they are beautiful but they are just things. Seeing them go out and be used like this is a joy only instrument makers have. It's just such a story and thank you to the people who have purchased guitars for giving it to me.  
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