Work/Rest/Play/Dinking Around

The other day at lunch I made sure to not get on my phone. I just ate and then when I was done I just sat there. Didn't think about anything or do anything, just sat there. I felt uniquely rested when I went back to work. We call 'screen time' of any sort 'rest'. You need a break so you text someone. You're on lunch so you go on instagram.  Thing is, this isn't rest. It's a weird mix of /rest/play which means it is actually 'dinking around'. Work is something that produces something. Play is something you do for fun and lacks any need for improvement. Rest is non-stimulation, it's settling down. Dinking around is when work and play and rest get mushed around together. You're not actually working or resting or playing, you're just doing stuff. Phones aren't inherently bad of course. It just makes it SO EASY to muddy the water and turn everything else we do into dinking around.  Here's how we fix this and lead a better, balanced life: intent.  When you work remove distraction. Get into the flow and kill it. You don't have to send a text message now.  When you need a rest sit for ten minutes, turn your brain off, stretch out in the shop hammock (you have a shop hammock dont you?), and then set your brain back to WORK. When you play just enjoy the present moment. Dont critique the movie (although sarcasm is always welcome), don't analyze the music. And don't think play is listening to music while doing the dishes. Muddying the waters.  When you work, work. When you rest, rest. When you play, have fun. Separate work/rest/play with intent and life gets better.
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