Be a Beginner

Be a Beginner
    (Above) My first set of spun tricones. Let yourself be a beginner. It's been said before.  Why don't you?  I think we skip the beginner stage because we have good taste.  We know what's awesome, what we like, and we know we aren't there yet.  So we skip. We don't know things, then we fake it, then we try, then we quit, then we pretend we are committed enough, then we realize we aren't and we are crushed.  TAKE IT EASY. Relax. Respect the fact that everything takes twice as long as you think it does. We suck at estimating.  Realize that talent is secondary-  those people whose work you aspire towards just plain started before you did.  You see their highlight reel but you don't see them starting to draw as an 8 year old. You're 25 and just started. Go easy on yourself.  Excellence takes time. It takes an obscene quantity of work. Don't ignore the mountain- see it for what it is and come up with a plan with how to climb it.  If you can't make a plan how do you know how to get to the top? How do you know it's the mountain you want to climb? I know it's inspiring to say "if you dream it you can do it" but that's not helpful. That makes people blindly flail at things because they want it.  Use the emotion sure, but figure as much as you can out first. There are math equations involved.  If you aren't doing math you aren't trying hard enough and you might be wasting your life.  You want to make baseball hats, cause you want to.  Figure it out. You might figure out that you need to sell 6,000 hats a year. That's 16 a day. And every day you don't sell 16 you have to make up the difference.  The math doesn't crush your dreams, it shows you what the mountain actually is.  If you can't physically move your body fast enough to make 16 hats and SELL 16 hats every day for the rest of your life.... then you have some 'splaining to do.  Sure there are intangibles, and things you can't plan for that work out in your favor. DON'T RISK YOUR BUSINESS ON JUST SHOWING UP.  Don't just do stuff. Answer the big questions first, then find the mountain that suits your desired outcome.  You like football but aren't 6'4 350 lbs and can run a 4.6? The NFL ( or college) football isn't going to happen. But maybe you like the training.  Coaching is inspiring.  Pivot.
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