Sawstop Vs. Bosch

Sawstop makes a tablesaw that stops when your finger touches it.  Bosch makes a saw that swings the blade out of the way when you touch it. Sawstop sued Bosch. Bosch might have a better opportunity patent infringement  or not.  Instead of being looked at as "Sawstop 2.0" why not make a sliding tablesaw (instead of pushing the material through the saw the whole table moves through the saw)  so cheap you would be a fool to not buy it. Or at least undercut Sawstop.  Maybe the sliding table has some sort of vacuum to it that holds small pieces down so they stay safely away from the blade when cut.  Sawstop is great technology BUT YOU HAVE TO TOUCH THE BLADE.  Do you trust it? It's scary.  That's it's weakness. If Bosch had seen that weakness and made something that eliminated that weakness that's a better opportunity than following what's already working. Whenever there is a cultural rut there is potential for a great opportunity.  If something is working for a bunch of people you can jump in and follow, and it might just work. For a while.  But if you see weaknesses in the thinking, if you gain experience in eliminating them, and then boldly swim in a new direction- now that's really contributing something.
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