Running The Goat Rodeo: Don't Assume, prove

Being a maker/small business owner is one of the ultimate goat rodeos.  Making things at a high level, learning new skills, and also running business is a lot of goats to rope. Fixing problems once and for all is essential. Putting some twine on the fence just moves headaches to a different day.  Here's some problems I've solved along the way. On a list of things I believe at the top is this, "Don't assume, prove".  Do this test: vocalize an idea. Count the number of counter ideas, corrections, and tangents you get from those within earshot in the next five minutes.   Is it about a guitar business? Someone who doesn't even play guitar knows why it wont work.  Etc. And you do the same thing to yourself.  Want to quit your job and start a maker business? It will work because you assume it will.  Looking for a shop space? "What are you looking to spend?"  Fill in a blank and magically that's the rent for the space you'll find. Because you assumed.  Don't assume, prove.  I wanted a 1000 sq ft shop for free.  I went looking to prove that wasn't possible.  I found a deal (and wonderful landlords) on 1,500 sq feet that would shock you. If you are encountering a problem in starting or running your business, step back and look for the things that you believe about the situation without any proof, then come up with the ways to prove what's actual happening.  This  will include numbers, this will include past experiences.  This will include asking people who have been in the game longer than you have.  You want to win the game, not just have the right idea.  Don't assume, prove.
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