Charlie Parr visits Mule HQ

Charlie Parr visits Mule HQ

"Hockey tape is the best tape," advice given by mister Parr to a group of good ol' boys who had gathered around his van after a show in Kentucky. So kicked off lots of laughs and stories during his visit here. Like how when T Model Ford waited in line in Israel with the reverent to see the suspected birthplace of Jesus. People wait in line to sweep the floor or pray. When it was T Model's turn he stepped up, open his flask and poured a little offering. Much laughter ensued. Charlie's reputation as a good human is furthered. Oh yeah, he played some guitar too. More on that later! He's got a great new cd out, check it out and buy it. He's playing in Detroit tonight, and next year will be headed back to Australia. AUSTRALIAN MULE OWNERS ASSOCIATION DONT LET HIM DOWN.

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