A more beautiful outcome

A more beautiful outcome

Success lies in the balance between two opposing ideas. Knowing when to wait out the rain and when push through. Getting out of the way and seeing things the way they truly are not how we would like them to be. Moving on principles and not feelings. Holding a broad and narrow focus simultaneously so the right problems can be attacked to move towards a broader goal.

You don’t have to participate in every fight you’re invited in to. You don’t have to share your peace with everyone. We are beings with finite resources of time and emotional energy that need to be saved for the fights we need to win. How those resources are spent, on whom, the fights we pick-they are the lines that write our lives. To most likely misinterpret Jack Baumgartner's idea of “The spiritual mechanics of labor and rest” in all things two opposing ideas combination leads to a more beautiful outcome than either on its own. There isn’t an answer, it’s an art.


David B.

Everything in life is a balancing act.

Dom T.

The whole country needs to read this.  Beautiful, thoughtful and what a world we'd be if we'd only heed the message.

Nathan B.

“There are no solutions, only trade-offs” - Thomas Sowell