Fretboard Journal Article
Fretboard Journal Article

Hey Mom we’re in Fretboard Journal!
Jason Verlinde made this publication that makes the space for human stories. Guitars are the mechanism but people are the point. What an amazing thing to be a part of. Noah Clekas did the interview. I could tell he was a long time fan of the guitars and we had a great conversation. Thanks to you all!
Some people asked about the items in the two page spread. I’m probably the most sentimental person you know and I keep everything. Objects connect me to important feelings. In the middle are the remnants of a guitar a firefighter lost in a forest fire that we replaced. There’s a stack of thank you cards. Numerous people didn’t just send another email. They found a card, wrote in it and sent it in the mail. There’s a donkey whiskey bottle holder sent by a customer I use for bottles sent by customers. I honestly haven’t had to buy a bottle in years. A customer, Justin, has sent me a bottle every Christmas since he got his instrument. I use the tea cup pictured. it was made by a customer in Australia. The SPAM guitar was made by Charlie Parr for me as part of an inside joke. The boot? Years ago when my friend and friend @davidandthedevil came to the shop he left behind his Pomade. So I auctioned it off on instagram but the catch was the offer couldn’t be money. The winning bid was the guy’s ex-girlfriend’s boot. The frog? My guitar making genius friend @timkillcustom in Australia has a heart and humor as big as his home country. That is an actual taxidermied frog he made dressed up as Michigan T. Frog, from an old cartoon, collecting sparks.
Since the beginning of Mule I’ve thanked customers for “being part of the story” when they get their final build pictures. Thanks to everyone for where we’ve been and where we’re going.