Michael C.

Hi Matt, all international order are a no go? Canada?!?





Matt E.

Hey Michael!  Sometime later this year I'll be opening up to a limited amount of international orders. Stay tuned!


Hey there, 

hope you are doing well, could you please have any idea about the time you will resume international orders ?

Thank you, have a nice MULE day :)


Matt E.

Hey Christine - later this year I'll be opening a limited amount of spots for international orders.  We were getting a ton of international orders and with all the logisitcs issues recently it got to be a real headache. Thanks for understanding. 

Alfred B.

I hear my phone keep ringing
yeah I know it sound like a long distance call

I picked up my receiver
The party said another muuuuuhuule

People, that morning I go home . . .
the whole neighborhood was standing there grinning at me, laughing
saying another muuuuuhuule

After a while I went back home, put my hands in my pocket, got my key out
and unlocked that door and there stand my wife was crryyying
she said another muuuuuhuule

The little girl was jumping up on the floor, she was patting her hands together, she batting her eyes, she was looking straight at me
and she was sayin, sayin Muddy Water, another mule kicking in your stall

Ed A.

Just randomly checkout out the website and saw I could add the Resonator to my cart! Yay! Deposit sent, excited to be part of the Mule family and can't wait to configure this baby :)

Matt E.

Hey all! I’m going to keep the April waitlist open until Saturday at 8pm to make sure anyone who encountered website trouble can get on the list. Thanks!

Dan B.

Hi Matt! Just sent a message from the contact option on the site but was wondering what I have to do to get on the next waitlist for the resonator? Is there a link; where should I go? Thanks man!


Matt E.

Hey Dan- come back here on the 1st at 6pm eastern and you’ll be able to add the deposit to your cart. 

Dan B.

Thanks Matt!!..see you then

Dan B.

Howdy Matt,

Had one other question or two After the deposit is made and you’re building the guitar, you’ll send an invoice for the remaining balance and we send it along? It will take at least a year-correct?